vrijdag, december 24, 2010

Happy holidays!

Please enter your name to see Bart de Piraat’s Christmas Greetings 2010:
What does deforestation have to do with the emission of CO2?

That’s easy: Trees absorb and store carbon from the air. When a forest is burnt down (for instance for agriculture reasons) not only will the carbon stored in these trees be dispersed back in the air but also there will be less trees left that can absorb and store carbon. This means more air pollution from CO2!

To raise awareness for this question Bart de piraat Animations and Triggerfilm are commisioned by the WWF in Netherlands - also called ‘Wereld Natuur Fonds’ - to develop an animation about this situation.

This animation is being created as we speak and will be published within a few weeks on the website of Wereld Natuur Fonds.

Here’s some artwork to get you warm over this one:

vrijdag, augustus 27, 2010

Pret op het toilet

An illustration I made a while ago.

woensdag, augustus 11, 2010

New workplace

This is what my workplace now looks like.

dinsdag, juli 13, 2010

Old workplace

This is what my workplace looked like back in 2007 while I was working on my graduation film.

woensdag, juni 23, 2010

Secret underwater cave

What magical things could happen in a mysterious place like this?

maandag, juni 14, 2010

Around the world

Scouting rules!

donderdag, juni 03, 2010

Flash animations

Recently I have made several Flash animations.
Here’s a compilation of at least four of them. Enjoy!

woensdag, april 07, 2010

Sketch time

A very spiritual and philosophical self-portrait. Don’t you think?

zaterdag, maart 27, 2010


Just a little excercise i did.

Batteryman is the mascotte of Stibat. While working at mcw I made several animations commissioned by Stibat.